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About Us

Working Together

Our role is to help clear away the fog that often makes the path to financial freedom so difficult to navigate. From an initial financial health check, all the way to in-depth investment and retirement planning, financial protection, financial strategies for businesses, and planning for later life, we’re here for you today, tomorrow and far into the future.

Let's keep it simple.

When you connect with us, we’ll ask you what you want help with. This could be that you want advice on something specific or it may simply be that you want to make more of your money by exploring your options. Whatever your situation we will be on hand to help.

Our financial planning process comprises of three simple steps:


Getting to know you

Our first meeting is time to get to know each other and we’ll ask questions about your situation. People often assume these questions will be purely financial; they won’t. We want to know how you’ve got to where you currently are, what’s important to you now and in the future as well as what your priorities are. We’ll likely talk to you about lots of things you expect but also lots of things you didn’t!

There is no-obligation with the only commitment you’ll be asked to make is at the end when we check whether you want us to proceed with putting a financial plan together for you.

Our role is to understand you and your plans so we can give you the right advice. We work together with you to find the right solutions.


Making a plan

Once we have all the information we need, we’ll use financial modelling tools to assess your situation allowing us to advise you on solutions that are designed to help you meet your goals. Your plan will be laid out clearly in a report so you can see what we are recommending and why.

Together, we'll go through the plan, taking time to make sure you understand how it works, what it will cost and why it is suitable for your needs. We’ll carefully explain everything and answer your questions.

At this point you will need to make a decision on whether to proceed. Some people decide in this meeting, others want to reflect first. We will work to your timescales. What’s important to us is that you are comfortable and happy every step of the way.


Reviewing progress

Once your plan is up and running, it’s really important for us to review it and ensure everything remains suitable for you. Sometimes your priorities will change – that’s not a problem. We’ll review, amend and update when this happens.

We like to ensure these reviews happen at least yearly and also if you have any changes in circumstances. In addition to this we are only ever a phone call or email away and you can contact us whenever you need to.

For us this is our favourite part of the process as our relationship with you will continue to grow over the years.

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Your Partner, together with St. James's Place Wealth Management plc, are the data controllers of any personal data you provide and any further information which you subsequently provide to us. For further information on our uses of your personal data, please see the Partner's privacy policy which can be accessed on their website and St. James's Place Wealth Management plc's privacy policy which can be accessed at https://www.sjp.co.uk/privacy